Catholic Parish of
The Most Holy Redeemer

Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Council

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) brings together all of the different organisations and groups that operate within the parish, whether for the benefit of parishioners, the local area or the wider community. The PPC is a consultative body to the Parish Priest. It assists the Parish Priest to identify, implement and evaluate pastoral initiatives best suited to the spread of the gospel within the local area.

In addition a report is received on the parish finances, information on what is going on at St Peter's School, as well as comments from Father Dan.

The PPC meets three times a year in September/October, January and April with the Annual General Meeting being held each June.

All parishioners are welcome to attend any meeting and are warmly invited to do so. The dates for the meetins are issued in the weekly newsletter.

For further information on the Parish Pastoral Council, please contact the Chairman, Bryan Ruane.

The Constitution for The Most Holy Redeemer Parish Pastoral Council dictates how the Council is run.

The Most Holy Redeemer. Diocese of Brentwood.
The Brentwood Diocesan Trust. Registered Charity No. 234092

Created by Louis Higgs. Copyright © 2017

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